About Me

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Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Peg Tube Surgery

We went in early Monday for his surgery and Ethan was released around 8:30 last nite. We were very happy to come home. Overall, the surgery and recovery went well, but Ethan has developed a huge anxiety problem. The stay in the hospital was a little rough. Basically, every nurse or doctor who enters the room makes Ethan tense up and shut down. He is so afraid of everything they do.

It didn't help that immediately following surgery, about two hours post, they postponed giving him pain meds once he was transferred to the Pediatrics Ward. This was due to some resident not entering the orders when they were given but waiting several hours to do so. Meanwhile, Ethan was crying and in severe pain for about two hours till the pain meds were finally administered. Needless to say, I was extremely unhappy and from that point on Ethan was a bit untrusting.

However, after that incident the care improved. Unfortunately, I think Ethan is just traumatized by everything that has happened that last six months and he really hates to be in the hospital.

This morning PT & ST have already come by. Although he is definitely taking it easy, due to the surgery, he is doing well. He has had low grade fevers in the afternoon and at night but nothing to be concerned about. Last nite, Daddy went out and bought a new game for his DS and the new dragon movie. We felt he deserved a reward for what he's been through. (The surgery/procedure was a little more serious than even I thought.) Brynn got a new little automated puppy too for tolerating only Ryan and Uncle Cole the last couple days (teehee).

Thankfully, Ethan gets a break from the hospital until next Thursday! YAY!!! Plus, it's awesome to see his little face without a tube running through his nose. We are still seeing slight improvements in his facial muscles. I think (hope) I see a little improvement on the right too. Pray that side begins to wake up.

We will update you if anything changes with Ethan's recovery, but I think he's doing really well now. Unfortunately, Brynn seems to be a little sick. We will see how that develops and hopefully doesn't effect Ethan.

Thank you to everyone for your positive thoughts, prayers, and energy. We really enjoy and appreciate all the support we have been given by all of you.




  1. I can't blame Ethan 4 anxiety...I think he has been braver than I could ever be. Glad he has the NG tube out as that must have been an annoyance. I hope he can continue to keep his chin up. Hope Brynn feels better and that every stays away from the cold and flu. Miss and love you all. Diana

  2. Oh gosh Nic, I can relate to anxiety for sure. Not fun to say the least. I am glad the surgery went well, and perhaps with no tube, he will be able to try more to eat which might help his facial muscles too! *praying* too for you. Looks like Halloween was fun. Glad everyone was able to get out. Will stay tuned to your posts. Love you! Les
