About Me

My photo
Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Another check up:

We had a very quick check up yesterday. New nurse also, and, thank goodness, no problems accessing his port. Phew! Counts were decent so we don't even need to go back in next Thursday. In two weeks, we'll just check in to the hospital for the next round of chemo. Some time next week, he'll have another hearing test to see where he is at with that. They have to make sure he is not losing it due to the Cisplatin.

He is still drinking and is walking pretty darn good with his walker. His eye continues to be a little gooey, but we're chalking it up to allergies. Thus, we're all happy campers at the homestead for now!

We'll update you if anything comes up...

Have a good one!


  1. Hello all....
    Glad things are looking good and progress is continuing. I am so proud of all of you and your individual strength and family bond. Think of you every day. Wish we were not so far away. I have been working and working. Kids went back to school this week...everyone back to schedule. We all do better that way. Keep up the good fight. Xoxoxoxoxox

  2. So glad to hear things are looking positive!! We're keeping you all in our prayers! Much love to you!!! ~Naomi

  3. Good news! Love hearing that. 2 weeks is a nice break I am sure from trips to the Dr's. Enjoy it! Prayers and blessings all around you! xoxo Les
