About Me

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Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Last night I spoke a couple words to my Daddy. I said "I want" and tried to make out the word "Mommy". I am making progress every day... moving my arms and legs more and more. Now if I could just get this swallowing thing down...

1 comment:

  1. Ethan,

    Your doctors and staff are amazed by your determination. Your family is so proud of your fearlessness....you are a little soldier and I wait everyday for good news. I am so glad that you are started to speak...I am sure that you have a lot on your mind. You are loved by so many and are an inspiration to all of us.
