About Me

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Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Monday, April 4, 2011

-Hanging in there

Ethan's been doing pretty well. Not too much vomiting but quite a bit of weakness. We're just praying for an easy cycle this time with no unplanned admits!!! Thursday we go in for vincristine and to check counts. I don't think he'll need any products but maybe. For some reason I can't remember the trend - if he needs them the second week out or right away? The recent B cycle threw me off.

I don't remember if I mentioned, but the last hearing test had a little more hearing loss in the upper octaves in the right ear. Nothing in the voice range and no major drop so they did not alter dosages.

I still haven't heard the final results on the MRI but the preliminary pretty much covered it. Everything looks really good, no cancer cells spotted! YAY!!!

It's hard to believe we have been doing this for almost a year. It really seems like just last week we found out. We've had so many changes this year. From moving, Ryan joining the Army, Ryan trying to swing a year-long master's program amidst all Ethan's treatments, and me becoming a housewife! I can't complain too much, as staying home with the kids is a gift, but I really appreciate Ryan for managing all these changes and doing it so successfully.

Barring no setbacks, Ethan's last round should be in June. We are so excited and so thankful he has come this far. Ethan is such a trooper. Today, even as weak as he is, we practiced walking with him just holding one of my hands and walking next to me versus in front. Every day is a challenge for him but he just keeps pushing through it. We love him soooo much - he has such a sweet heart.

And Brynn, who is absolutely 100% just as amazing. For a little 2-3 year old girl to have to endure all of this too, all the pain and changes she has witnessed Ethan go through, her outlook must be so enlightened for her age. We always think of how Ethan's perspective must be about life, but his little sister has had no veil either. Thankfully, they play together all the time now and it is a joy to see again. There were months on end where they just weren't on the same page, not to mention all of Ethan's physical limitations he was dealing with.

Well, I'm rambling a bit...

I'll update again soon.

Love to all,



  1. That was very touching & heart-warming! We miss you guys & my boys ask about Ethan all the time!!! Our thoughts & prayers are with you & your family...always!!

  2. We miss you too Evi. Ethan still talks about your boys.

  3. Thank you for all the updates. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully he won't have such a hard time of it this next time. I think of you all the time. I am also amazed by the strength and courage shown by each of you. I guess one does not know their capabilities until they are faced with these issues. Everybody will come out with new perspectives and appreciations. Nikki, I am so thankful that you are home with them...take in all the moments good and difficult. You are a great mommy. Ryan is such a good man too...I know you all have been through hell but still remain so focused and positive. This whole year has been beyond difficult,unimaginable for any of us on the sidelines, but just know that you have all inspired me deeply. Love and miss you all so much.
