Ethan had to go in Wednesday for blood. That went smoothly, but it didn't perk him as much as usual. By Thursday night, I was contemplating taking him back into the clinic Friday morning. I know his platelets are low. His eyes were really blood shot and he had a few more bruises than usual but nothing significantly alarming, other than how utterly weak and tired he is. It is so hard to see him like this with all the progress he's made and with how much energy he had within his recovery period last round. Well, I decided not to take him in this morning since most of the roads were closed due to snow, I didn't want to put him through being poked three times in one week, his eyes looked a little better this am, and I was really hoping his body was taking a turn for the better on its own. We'll know by Monday when we go back in for his planned check up. I pray his platelets are on the climb.
It's been super cold in our house but the heater finally started working for us today. Anything below 40 outside and apparently the house can't get any warmer than 58! It's a lovely little, old home, but definitely not insulated well enough for the weather we've been having. There was an inch or two of snow on the ground at 4:30 am when I woke up to switch Ethan's fluids.
Ethan and Brynn have resumed their prior surgery playing... there was quite a stretch where they didn't. That gives me a little more time around the house. I was going on and on to my brother about cutting my hair, going back to school possibly at some point, and some other nonsense when he commented that it's really great that I can spend my time thinking about regular stuff now versus fretting about Ethan constantly. This is so true! It's great that, even though the cumulative effect of chemo sucks, he really has been doing well. He only has four more cycles and an end in sight is really helping. Things could possibly feel normal again - and we will be so grateful.
I'm not cutting my hair (Laura snapped me out of it) and Cole is probably wishing I would have acquired more girlfriends by now to ramble on to! However, "home" is feeling a little more normal and relaxed. Ryan, on the other hand, is still really absolved in his school. It requires ALL of his time. I feel really bad for him, but he is doing really well and he'll be starting a rotation (short internship) soon which will hopefully give him a short break from schoolwork.
That about sums up the current status. Looking forward to more visits from family and friends. Hope you all are warm and well.
Love, Nic
Burrrrrr.....I hear that!! We are so ready for an early Spring but I don't think it is happening. Ethan is such a trooper...the long term chemo is starting to catch up. But, as you said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You have all come so far... hang in there. I am hoping that you will continue to have more and more "normalcy" as things continue to improve. Glad the kids are keeping each other occupied and that you can have a little break once in a while. I know it must be especially hard to have Ryan unavailable so much of the time. I know he must get frustrated too. There too is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the amazing fight ...we are all so proud of you guys. Don't cut your hair. A good trim and highlights for a little change but it really is pretty long. I know it is time consuming...I think about cutting mine all the time. Big hugs and kisses to everyone.