About Me

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Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today my mommy didn't wake up til 7am! That's about when I'm half way through my radiation appointment. Somehow her phone was turned off and my lil' sis Brynn woke us up. However, the radiation department was awesome about it. We just rushed in as fast as we could and they let us in. Whew... close one. My ST appt was rescheduled to Friday, that therapist didn't mind either. How refreshing for people to be so kind about it.

Well, as usual, I'm wiped out. The radiation has a huge toll on my energy level. Mommy and daddy were trying to cram in two to three therapy exercise sessions a day, but lately they've been lucky if I give them only one. I'm not to keen on my at-home speech therapy either. Mommy has to bribe me for five minutes before I'll do my mandatory oral rinses (3xday) and then she'll sneak in some ice chips and oral massage on me. I can't stand it! I fight big time. At least my flailing arms and legs allow for some additional work outs. Mommy talked to the Radiation Oncologist about this and he did not seem surprised at all. He said it was typical for me to want to just sleep and lay around this far into radiation. At the cellular level, it's wearing me down. Luckily, I have only seven more days of it. I am thrilled it will be over very soon.

I did start crawling a bit at my last PT session. I'm too weak for the walker at this point, so this is an alternative method to getting from the couch to the toy box (very important business). The PT now suggests a posterior walker so I'm going to try one out on my next visit and if it works nicely we'll get one of those to replace the useless (no wheels) walker I have now. Mom says it nice to see my butt up and moving, even if it's assisted.

I'll check in soon and let you know how my oncology/chemo appointment goes this Friday. Wish me luck.

Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Oh little E man! I can't wait until your radiation is over and you get to have some time off to regain some strength!

    I promise you, once you pass this challenge, you will be rewarded with a nice time to feel well and regain strength! Just hang in there and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like everyday day you are making more progress. We all have bad days too, so don't feel alone! You are never alone!!

    Just get your rest when you are tired and do the best you can do on a day to day basis! I think you are doing great! I truly believe you will be up and about in no time once this phase of the treatment is over.

    Rest ant therapy is what you need right now and your mom and dad are doing a stellar job! I have high admiration for both of them!

    Hugs and Kisses from Cali! XOXOXOXO
