About Me

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Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today was a good day. Daddy took me in for therapy and I didn't throw any punches at him when waking up from anesthesia. Hmmm, mommy wonders why that is. Anyway, when I got home I wanted to do lots of therapy. I asked to practice walking three times! I had energy and now my mommy doesn't (from carrying me). I also played ball with daddy, mommy, and my sis. Even practiced licking on a sucker. Lots of practice today. I didn't feel nauseous, but my saliva is thickening quite a bit from the radiation therapy. My mom and dad use a suction bulb several times an hour to clean out my spit since I'm not quite swallowing and maintaining all that on my own just yet. This is a side effect from my surgery, part of the Posterior Fossa Syndrome. It is expected to resolve eventually - hopefully within another couple months. In fact, I'm not even smiling yet, but I laugh a lot. Thank goodness for laughter.

My mommy finally got OT and ST scheduled and then PCH called and said they have an opening for PT. Finally, some rehab again. My parents are excited for the guidance. Since I'm in such an acute stage of care it seems logical that rehab therapies would be most important now while I'm trying to regain my abilities.

Most of my day is spent watching movies, playing with cars, and short bursts of rehab exercises like the ones mentioned above. For some reason, I never want to go for a walk outside. But, I live in AZ and it's pretty hot these days. By the time it's evening and I can go out, I'm too tired and my mom hasn't been able to convince me yet.

Mommy and daddy did convince me to go to the Natural History Museum today though. I love watching dinosaur films there. I also picked up some new tattoos - dinosaurs. My "Cars" tattoos were getting pretty old so we finally washed them off and threw on a new dino tattoo. Oh and I went pee in the men's restroom, since I didn't have my hand-held urinal. This may be no big feat for you, but since I can't hold my own weight up up it was a big deal for me. Daddy helped of course.

Tonight I get a much anticipated sponge bath--- I've been putting it off! Tomorrow I get radiation treatment, of course, then my second chemo treatment. Then, I have the weekend off. I don't have to get up at 5:30 AM and drive to downtown Phoenix!!! Plus, I have a little more energy when I'm not getting radiation... obviously.

I'll let you know how my blood counts look tomorrow. Oh, and my eye infection finally seems to be clearing up. This has taken a long time.

Have a great Friday and Father's Day weekend. TTYL.

1 comment:

  1. Ethan,

    Wow...sounds like you did have a good day. Glad you were feeling well enough to work on your therapies. I am glad that you got to go to the museum...I hear that you really enjoy doing that. You are getting stronger every day and it brings us all so much pride and joy. Keep up the good work. Is there anything that I can send to you? I know you have been getting some fun stuff to keep you busy...Let me know if there is something any of you need. Love you lots. Aunt Diana, cousins Joe, Alex, Tylerlxoxox
