Ethan hadn't been tube fed in over two months so we felt it was finally time to take the mic-key button out. The docs just said to pull it out and patch it and it would heal on its own. It did, the hole had closed by the next day when I changed the patch. He was quite nervous about removing it - it kinda rubs when you pull them out and insert them, but he's very happy he doesn't have it anymore and doesn't have to endure any more replacements. Obviously, he's eating pretty well on his own now. Recently, I've seen an increase in his appetite which is probably attributed to all the walking he's been doing!
Yup, I demanded no more scooting around the house. He could only use his walker at home. He fought it at first, but then seemed to prefer it. Then, Uncle Cole was like - just take the walker with you instead of the wheel chair while you're out and about. I fought it, but then preferred it! The walker is kinda big and I find it a little difficult to watch Ethan and control Brynn while we're out, but it's worth it. Ethan loves taking it out for our nightly walks now and loves to go roam around Walmart, or similar roomy stores. He's doing very well overall.
His eye seems to have centered very well. We were suppose to have a follow up Monday but the office cancelled it weeks ago and I have not been able to get through to reschedule it since then. I'm very irritated about that! I'm resorting to having his Oncologist get his follow up with the eye doc.
We had the CureSearch Walk on Nov. 5th. There were lots of other cancer kids there along with lots and lots of supporters. Many commemorative teams, etc. We belonged to the BAMC Brave, which Nicole, Ethan's nurse, organized. Their goal was only like 2k and they managed to raise over 7k. There are some pretty amazing supporters out there. Some of the big donors were even parents of a patient! Good job Nicole!
Ethan's upcoming appointments consist of the plastic surgery appointment I discussed in my last post, the neuro psych testing, and a clinic appointment - oh and an eye follow up if that office ever gets their stuff together!
School is going well. Ethan and I spend a lot of time together working on schoolwork on the days his teacher doesn't come. I used to have him do it daily (Mon-Fri), but felt I was overworking him, so I cut it down to Tues, Thurs, Fri. It takes a long time to do the assignments online. The math is getting fairly involved now. However, he's probably ahead of the game in some areas, but a little behind in others. I feel much better about how things are going now.
I think that about covers it. Hope you all are well and keeping warm, safe, and happy for the upcoming holiday season.
Thanks to all for your support and love to all!