About Me

My photo
Hi, I am an adorable, blonde, blue-eyed young man. I had Medulloblastoma - cancer. I had a successful resection of my brain tumor, completed six weeks of radiation, 15 months of chemo, and countless surgeries and therapies as the result of treatment effects. These entries journal much of my treatment and progress. I have come a long, long way and I am doing awesome today! Feel free to read and share my story.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MRI Results

Ethan has been doing very well. Since we got out, he has only needed one platelet transfusion and that was last Thursday. He also had his MRI last Thursday and the results were good of course, no changes. Everything looked clean.

We went in this Monday and counts are continuing to climb, slowly but surely. We will go in again this Thursday to be sure he is creating his own platelets before we head out to UT for a couple weeks.

We got Ethan a bigger bike last week and a new helmet. Although he needs help getting on and off, he does a great job pumping those wheels on his own. He has enough balance now to stay upright with training wheels. Biking was his favorite thing to do before surgery, so hopefully we can get him back to that. It would sure give him some needed independence!

He is continuing all his therapies and will be starting homeschool again in late August. Thus, even though there is no more chemo, he still has a very busy schedule. This vacation will be a great break!

Thanks for all the love. Hope you all are well.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting Out - Finally

Ethan's ANC was 324.9 today. Typically, this would be a direct get out of jail free card, however, the attending this week is a bit more conservative than others with regard to the ANC. He really was pushing for 500, but we talked and since Ethan is clearly on a continued rise, he's going to let him out this afternoon!!! Ryan relieved me and will stay with him until the official release. He was getting another platelet transfusion when I left because those are still declining. He should start maintaining and producing his own platelets by week's end if not sooner.

This was a loooooong stay. Phew, so glad it's about over. Plus, we don't have any more chemo so we should not have to check in again.

Next up, clinic visit bright and early Monday morning. He may be due for platelets again... Then, Thursday, we have a sedated MRI scheduled. Then, August - da da na naaaaaa - vacation! Driving on up to Utah for a bit and getting out of this heat.

So, finally, things are looking good. Oh, and, before UT, Grandma Black is still coming out for a week. She had to postpone it one week, so now she's arriving next Thursday.

Thank you for all your prayers and positive comments. I know it helps.

Until later -

Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting There

All right, his ANC is still low at 174. However, it looks like the ANC is continuing to climb. He hasn't had any fevers for over 24 hours. Unfortunately, he got one yesterday afternoon. He's definitely feeling better though. No vomiting, fevers, and a lot more physical activity is transpiring. He even ate a little dinner tonight!

So tired of being here. It's even getting to Ethan! He is so ready to be in the comforts of home.

At least we're phasing out of the worry stage.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

WBCs Finally Climbing

WBCs are finally on their way back up! He still is having some low grade fevers, but fewer and fewer. Hopefully, this pattern holds or gets much better now. He got another platelet transfusion yesterday afternoon and he got a good boost.

Pray, pray, pray we can get out sometime tomorrow! My only concern now is if a high fever pops his ugly head up again. This has been a grueling stay. Mostly because Ethan has been feverish for so long. That's not his typical pattern. Regardless, this should be his very last admit - no more chemo to beat his little body up!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Maybe a little progress...

Last night I got a break. Ryan came in and spent the night with Ethan. He continues to have high fevers and is vomiting occasionally, but the intervals between fevers continues to get longer. Also, they saw a few new, healthy WBCs on his slides. Though his counts are still really low, it could be the start of the climb back up.

When I came back in this afternoon, his eye also looked much better. Hopefully, my next post reports his WBCs are climbing for sure! The docs and nurses both suspect his fevers may actually be due to the antibiotics at this point, but obviously can't be sure.

So keep the prayers coming please.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Still Fevering

Ethan continues to have fevers, so early this morning they added a stronger antibiotic, vancomycin. Hopefully, this covers whatever the problem is with Ethan. However, there is always the chance he is only fevering because his bone marrow is so beat up and his counts are low. They suspect this may be the case, since even in this poor state his body would likely produce some WBCs and he still hasn't. Really, that's a good suspicion, but they can't risk not treating him in case it is something more serious that they can't see.

Anywho, I'm guessing his fevers are going to start cutting back soon. Actually, the interval in between fevers is already getting longer. That actually began before they started the second antibiotic. I see that as progress, although the doctor didn't seem all that encouraged. Anyway, I know the little punkin is going to get better soon. Hopefully, we get out before Grandma Black arrives. She'll be here on Thursday. The kids are very excited!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Rough night -

Ethan had high fevers throughout the night, but handled it fairly well. The little guy rarely complains. He would shake then sweat pretty heavily. His left eye now appears to be infected. Could be chemically or bacterial. They'll keep an eye on it. If it continues to get worse, they'll treat it specifically.

He appears to be much better this morning. Hopefully, he doesn't get any more high fevers. His counts are actually still dropping though. The blood and platelet transfusion obviously helped, but his fevers probably burned through quite a bit of the boost already. I'll bet he'll need more platelets tomorrow. Looks like we're in for the long haul - 4-5 days or so.

Just pray the little guys turns a corner today and his little body starts producing nuetrophils.

Brynn and Ethan are watching the hospital's The Fox and the Hound vhs.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fever - back in the big house

Ethan started feeling lethargic yesterday afternoon but didn't spring a true fever till the wee hours of the morning. He did, however, start vomiting quite a bit, and wasn't able to hold any tylenol down. Thus, here we are at the hospital again. They've started fluids, antibiotics, and I'm sure platelets and blood will be next. His temp has crept up to 102.

His eyes are really blood shot, but they get like that when his platelets are low. We will be here for 48 hours at least, to make sure no cultures grow back. He'll have to be fever free for a bit and his WBC should be at 500 or climbing as well. I don't believe it has to do with the peg tube this time, as it doesn't look the least bit irritated.

Hopefully, he'll be here just long enough to get some fluids and get those WBCs on the way back up. Will check back soon.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week one check up and LAST VINCRISTINE push!!!

The week has gone pretty well. Ethan has been tired but not too bad. He hasn't eaten much at all so he is on tube feedings. We're at the clinic and just got the very last dose of chemo. His counts are low, so we're getting platelets today. We will come back Monday for a blood transfusion and more platelets if needed.

We will have to take it easy the next week or so until he his counts come back up.


Friday, July 1, 2011

And we're home...

It may be 6:30, but knowing we no longer have to be admitted for chemo makes a late start and late discharge seem trivial. (Actually, it drives me nuts being at the hospital longer than planned, but Ethan and Ryan are cool about it.)

I know I keep saying it's the last round of chemo, but the last round actually includes one more shot of vincristine next week at the clinic. It'll be official then, but seems like more of a celebration today since he no longer has to be admitted to the hospital for meds.

We are so happy we've come this far and so thankful Ethan has responded this well. We will continue to pray for Ethan, that he remains cancer free and continues to regain strength and abilities he lost post surgery.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us along the way, in any way shape or form. You all are awesome!

I'll continue to make progress updates. We still have a bit of a road to travel, but we're almost there!

Have a happy fourth of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last dose is up...

Yesterday went well. Last night wasn't bad either, Ethan only went pee a hundred times or so. The hydration is a good thing though, gotta cleanse out all those harsh chemicals.

They're hanging the last dose now and then he'll have additional post hydration. We should be outta here by threeish. Cross your fingers!
